I see patterns in everything ... Plants, concrete, walls. cars, material, skin, fur, clouds, water... everything.
Sometimes I can star at things for hours just looking at patterns. Clouds are my favourite thing to watch, maybe because their patterns change so quickly.
I like to take photos of clouds because then I have those patterns to look at anytime I want because who knows if they will ever be repeated again. Although I probably wont actually look at the photos again after the first time, as there are so many other patterns in the world to look at.
One of our local petrol stations has a white edging to their roof with blue lines going around. Most people just see that, where as I see the pattern in it as well as all the patterns that come from the light dirt and water stains on it as well. Of course other people may also notice these things but for me I don't just notice them, I am fascinated with them. I can stare at them for ages just seeing all the patterns in them.
I used to think that everyone did this, but then I came to realise that no, not everyone does.
In a way I guess its like the optical illusion of the old woman / young woman ... where most people can see only one... either the old or the young but they can not see both... I do see both, at the same time, and I did from the first time I saw the picture I could see both an old lady and a young lady.
But even just looking at this I see more than just a young lady and an old lady, I see other things in the lines.. I see a bunny or maybe its a Hare.. but I also see just random patterns in how the lines react to each other... I see this in everything...
Sometime that makes it hard for me to focus on other things, like people talking. I do sometimes wonder what it would be like to live life not seeing patterns everywhere, to be able to just live life everyday not having to always try to come across as "normal" when I'm around other people. To not be upset by so many things.
Please feel free to post comments as to if you see the old lady or the young lady first, if you can only see one or if you can see both ... do you see them at the same time.
At first, I saw the old lady. Then I looked up to finish reading and as the picture was out of focus I saw the young lady. Then after seeing the young lady, I saw them both together. It is very interesting. I also saw the bunny or Hare.