Ok obessions .... well I know I've talked about this before and there will probably be times in the future where I repeat many things I have already posts.
I've started to call Aspergers - Aspergers Autism - rather than asperger syndrome because I feel Aspergers Autism is a much better name as it has both Dr Asperger's name and also what it is a form of.
Anyway .... people with Aspergers Autism can become obsessive about things ... sometimes we can even become obsessed with people ... but of course we are all different so what we obsess on can also varied.
I am one person who does become obsessed with people.
Now if you are the partner, boyfriend / girlfriend, of someone with Aspergers Autism, at the beginning of a relationship it can very overwhelming if your partner has become obessed with you. It can cause a number of problems in your daily life.
The best things to do it sit down and work out some rules together, such as only messaging, texting, calling, emailing you at certain times of the day.
I know with me I dont always know where peoples boundries are so to have a set of rules would be so helpful to me... I dont always know if I am giving out too much personal information or not, as I am very honest and open about things, but of course that can make other people uncomfortable.... I also dont know where a conversation is meant to end....
Which is why, especially in written conversations I may not answer something someone says as what they say, may in my mind, not have a need for a reply, yet they may have expected me to reply back.
Of course even in written conversations I am not always able to understand what is going on... for instance, some people seem to find the use of ! very important and may end a word with!!!!!!!
Where as I dont understand that and actually see the use of so many ! as being aggressive and rude.
Manners are a little bit of an obsession with me, as I dont understand why people feel the need not to use manners, such as saying Please and Thank You ... to me it seems as if so many people these days feel that they have a right to everything, rather than feel priverliged when they get something. So I am very obsessive with good manners and even with David I will say Please and Thank you when recieving, doing or asking for something.
Another one of my long term obsessions is reading... I can read for at least 18 hours a day if I have the right books. I get lost in the worlds and lives of those I read about.
Music is a slight obsession with me as well.
Computer games, whether PC, Xbox or Playstation can become obsessions with me, and again I will sit for 18 hours just playing games ... I've been known not to sleep at times when obsessed by a game... luckily most game obsessions end fairly quickly, like in less than a month or two .... especially if I get to a point where no matter what I cant get passed after about a week of trying...
Swimming can be an obsession for me, but I havent been swimming for years now as I find it very stressful being around so many people at the local pool and the ocean is way too cold for me.
But yes with obssessions they can end quickly or they can continue for a long time, sometimes we may need to have rules set down for us to help us with ou obsessions and at other times, patience is the best thing.
But explaining things to us is always a good idea as we dont always consider those outside of our own little worlds where we live alone.
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