I have a form of Autism, called Aspergers. So to me the world is a strange place full of Sunshine, Moonlight and Madness.

Thursday, September 6, 2012
I have always liked the piano, as a child after school I would help my mother clean the primary school that I went to, and there was a room that had a piano in it. I would always end up in there messing around with the piano, creating music without even knowing what I was doing.
I think someone at the school, either a teacher or more likely one of the other students taught me to play this kind of scale piece which I dont know the name of but its basically just the black keys and goes like this ...
Then when I got to high school I had one term of music, I wanted to learn the sax but my parents said no, plus having asthma means I probably wouldnt be good at the sax anyway, not enough lung power.
So I did piano and by the end of the term I had learnt to play Amazing Grace. But I never had music again after that term and left school halfway through the next year ... Yes I only did one and half years of High school ....
Anyway now I have a piano / electric keyboard... not a full piano but good enough to learn stuff on.
I dont have a music teacher, I'm just teaching myself... I'm not that good at knowing what not is what, but if it has a not is written with a letter - CDEFGAB - then its easy for me.
So within the first hour I had of having the piano I had taught myself the first 2 lines of Jinglebells... after messing around with the piano it was probably just 5 or 10 minutes of playing for me to work out jinglebells, I decided to practice for at least a month each song to be sure that I had it in my head and fingers but after a few days of just playing jinglebells it became annoying and maybe even a little bit boring... so I started to teach myself the first line of Jambalaya (On the Bayou) and withing a few minutes I had that in my head.
Then I decided to try The Lion Sleeps Tonight ... so again just within 5 minutes and I had the first 2 lines of that song also learnt.
I do not know if this is fast or not, but I do enjoy it and I think I may have an aptitude for piano, as a child I did have a slight aptitude for drawing but I never persuded that and now that ability is just a tiny smudge now, no longer what it was or what it could have been.
Now I just have to learn how to play with both my right and left hand at the same time.
I may end up seeing if I can find someone to teach me to play... I'm teaching David what I learn, so then we can both play together.
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