Friday, August 3, 2012


Watching the Olympics on tv ... the gymnastics ...

It made me wonder what it feels like to be able to hug, shake hands or just be touched by people and not be bothered by it.

Like many people with Aspergers Autism I do not like being touched... I'm ok with people I feel comfortable with such as my husband and some family members... I dont really have friends in life that I see face to face, but if I do see someone who is a friend I can hug them if they either just start the hug or if they ask for a hug.

If I want to be touched then I am ok with being touched.

When I am really upset and stressed I dont like being touched at all, even David can not touch me if I am really stressed or upset, because being hugged or touched when I am really upset or stressed kind of hurts me.

When I see people touch other people who they dont even know I wonder what it feels like to not be bothered by that and I think it must be very refreshing ...

People seem to take it for granted that they can touch someone even if they dont know that person.

If I shake hands with someone I dont really know well its normally because its what is expected in society, but I hate doing it because I dont like touching people, but I can not think of a polite way to tell someone I do not shake hands.

If I hug someone its because I care about them and like them.

I like the Japanese culture of bowing to show respect rather than shaking hands... that would work so much better for me...



Since finding out that I have Aspergers Autism, its explained so much to me about my life, especially about hiding as a child how hard being a part of the world was, and learning what is acceptable "normal" behaviour and then mimicking those around me so I could come across as "normal"

Even as a small child I dont think I had a lot of contact with people, so its understandable that my differences could be over looked.... and now its probably hard for family to think of me as anything but "normal"

Unfortunately I know I am not alone with that as many Aspergers Autistic people I have discovered online have had many of the same issues as I have had, epecially those of us who were diagnosed later on in life.


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